About Re-Wrap-It
Our Story
Hi, my name is Shona and I’m from Glasgow. I trained and worked as a Landscape Architect but when I had my three children I needed to find something to do that would fit around them. I’d always loved design….and hated making packed lunches! So it was back to the drawing board to work out if there was a more simple, green solution to wrapping up sandwiches in cling film, tin foil or plastic bags….and the ORIGINAL Wrapper was born!
With my children the Wrappers were an immediate success, so I got to work making them on the kitchen table and selling them at school fairs and local events. A journalist happened to purchase a Wrapper, wrote an article in a national paper mentioning the product and things took off!
The kitchen table was abandoned, I employ a couple of friends to help out but manufacture is predominantly done by the inmates at Kilmarnock Prison. I felt very strongly that as a ‘green’ product they should be made locally not imported from overseas. The inmates learn a skill which hopefully helps with their rehabilitation and could lead to job opportunities in the future. The arrangement also allows me to be more flexible with my design ranges and I am always searching for new colours and materials.