Delivery & Returns
We ship worldwide.
Shipping within the UK is free for all orders. We aim to post your order on the day or day after your order has been received. They are generally posted second class so should be with you in 2 – 3 working days. If you need it faster than that please call!
We offer a flat rate of £6.00 for orders to the rest of the world.
Payment is managed through Payzone You do not need a Payzone account, you can pay as a guest by debit or credit card at checkout.
Refunds, Exchanges and cancellation.
If for any reason you would like to change or return your item, please contact us within 5 days of receipt. We accept return of unused items in their original packaging. A full refund will be issues if the order is cancelled prior to shipping.
We do not offer free return shipping.
You will receive a refund only after we receive the item back. The item you send back must be properly packaged to avoid damage.