3 Reusable Fabric Gift Wraps - Red with Gold Stars

3 Reusable Fabric Gift Wraps - Red with Gold Stars


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An eco-friendly alternative to standard, non-recyclable wrapping paper. Our  Fabric Wrapping Squares will help towards a sustainable Christmas. If a rectangular box- fold on the diagonal and tie the ends to secure ( lots of ideas on youtube! I learnt in a matter of minutes!)

Or - tie like a traditional gift with ribbon, garden twine or 'bunch up' and tie with a bow!  A couple of pins as a temporary hold are a good idea whilst you secure the fabric with ribbon.


Small = 34 x 34cm e.g. for wrapping a small gift - up to an iPhone box size
Medium = 56 x 56cm e.g. perfect for wrapping something like a Jamie Oliver hard back cook book
Large = 68 x 68cm e.g. wrapping something up to the size of a shoebox 
Our Bundle contains 1x Small, 1x Medium and 1x Large in one colour.

Additional information


Bundle, Large, Medium, Small

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